Re: akmod? What memo did I miss?

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Tom Horsley wrote:
OK, I'm poking around in livna repos in order to try out the
test version of the nvidia driver with all the ignore ABI
gimmicks and wot-not that suggest some folks have gotten
it to function in 2D, and I see all these akmod packages.

What the heck is an akmod versus a kmod?
I believe its the "actual" kmod package.  It gets dragged in if you 
install the kmod package, which is now a "generic" package.  The akmod 
is what gets built every time you install a new kernel and need new 
builds of your modules for it.  No longer is there a need to download a 
new pre-built kmod package, now, it just re-builds your modules for you.
At least that's the way I see it working on my F9 laptop.

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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