Re: PATH Issues

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Bill Crawford wrote:
2008/5/21 Sieranski, Greg <greg.sieranski@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

[~] $ grep -F opt/hg /etc/profile.d/*
[~] $

Produces no results.
I'm afraid I'm a little stumped at this point, then. Unless you're
somehow running the .bash_profile twice, or you're doing tests in an
environment where it's already been set (are you trying this in an
xterm window? is the path already set on entry to .bash_profile?)

if i add set -x to my .bash_profile I get:

+ CVSROOT=:ext:gsierans@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/var/lib/cvs
+ CVS_RSH=ssh
+ DAISY_HOME=/home/gps/src/
+ EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
+ GREP_COLOR='1;32'
+ JAVA_HOME=/home/gps/opt/jdk1.6.0_06
+ PATH=/home/gps/opt/jdk1.6.0_06/bin:/home/gps/opt/hg:/sbin:/home/gps/bin:/home/gps/opt/jdk1.6.0_06/bin:/home/gps/opt/hg:/sbin:/home/gps/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
+ export CVSROOT
+ export CVS_RSH
+ export DAISY_HOME
+ export EDITOR
+ export GREP_COLOR
+ export JAVA_HOME
+ export PATH
+ alias 'grep=grep --color=always'
+ alias 'la=env LC_ALL=C ls --color=tty -I lost+found -Fla'
+ alias 'll=env LC_ALL=C ls --color=tty -I lost+found -Fl'
+ alias 'ls=env LC_ALL=C ls --color=tty -I lost+found -F'
+ alias vi=/usr/bin/vim
+ PS1='[\w] '
+ case `id -u` in
++ id -u
+ PS1='[\w] $ '
++ echo -ne '\033]0;gps@foo:~'

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