Re: F7 Motherboard change

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On 19/05/2008 21:53 Ville-Pekka Vainio ha scritto:

The initrds are in /boot, so cd to /boot and move your original initrd out of the way, something like "mv initrd- initrd-" and then make a new one. Because I so rarely need to use the mkinitrd command, I'm not exactly sure my example will work, please see the mkinitrd man page first. But I'd try something like "mkinitrd /boot/initrd-". Of course modify the versions to match those you have in your system. I'm not sure if the latter part actually needs the "i686" as well, I think it does, though. If that succeeds, reboot and hope for the best :)
That's it! For some reasons I tought that initrd was a prebuilt rpm 
package installed along with kernel and should not be touched. I have 
booted with the installation CD in rescue mode, chkroot and ran mkinitrd 
with a modified modprobe.conf file. After the reboot all is running well.


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