Re: F7 Motherboard change

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Ville-Pekka Vainio wrote:
Marco Maccaferri wrote:
 From the boot messages looks like it is still loading the old
motherboard's drivers so it can't find the new hard drive controller.
I recently had a similar issue when I changed my motherboard. You probably 
need to make a new initrd. So boot with a Fedora rescue disk and let it 
search for your Fedora installation, also enable networking, if possible.
When you get to the rescue console, chroot to the original system (I think 
it's usually done by "chroot /mnt/sysimage").
At this point, you should also check your /etc/modprobe.conf (if you're
using SCSI or Fiberchannel/SATA HBA adapters) and make sure all the
drivers specified are accurate for your new motherboard.  A rebuild of
the initrd with a bogus modprobe.conf won't get you anywhere.

At this point you may want to try removing and reinstalling the latest Fedora 7 kernel, that should make you a new initrd. If it doesn't work, you may want to do something like this:
The initrds are in /boot, so cd to /boot and move your original initrd out of 
the way, something like "mv initrd- 
initrd-" and then make a new one. Because I so 
rarely need to use the mkinitrd command, I'm not exactly sure my example will 
work, please see the mkinitrd man page first. But I'd try something 
like "mkinitrd /boot/initrd-". 
Of course modify the versions to match those you have in your system. I'm not 
sure if the latter part actually needs the "i686" as well, I think it does, 
though. If that succeeds, reboot and hope for the best :)
If you know what the kernel version is, the command to rebuild an
EXISTING initrd image is:

	mkinitrd [-v] -f /boot/initrd-(kernver).img (kernver)

replacing "(kerver)" with the appropriate string.  On my current F8 box,
it'd be:

	mkinitrd -v -f /boot/initrd-

I like the "-v" so I can see what mkinitrd is doing (and which drivers
it's loading into the image).
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                       rps2@xxxxxxxx -
- Hosting Consulting, Inc.                                           -
-                                                                    -
-                    I doubt, therefore I might be.                  -

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