Re: Troubles getting F9

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Beartooth wrote:
On Mon, 19 May 2008 11:46:21 -0700, Rick Stevens wrote:

Wait, wait.  The ISO image is on /dev/fd/0?  That's your stdin.  That
makes no sense to me.  I'd be leery of such a thing.

Use something like ktorrent or transmission to pick up the torrent and
tell it to save the stuff to some working directory (by default,
transmission will download to your home directory).  Then run sha1sum
against the .iso file(s):

	$ cd /path/where/you/downloaded/things/to $ sha1sum

Compare the number(s) you get against that in the SHA1SUM file in the
same directory as the .iso image(s).  The sha1sums should be:

	50253a35b5ba128c9a57b2a10cbd829813fc5119 (32-bit DVD)
	f92576227484a4eeda0e86a497836c67c34d20ef (64-bit DVD)
	OK, remember we were talking about two different downloads -- 
it's four now. (I plan to abandon the first two if either #3 or #4 works.)
	On my #2 machine, where I have #3 download (done with gwget), I 
have just compared the calculated sha1sum with the 32-bit one above. They 
Once you have the .iso file(s) and verified the sha1sums, now you can
futz with things. Simply use the command I mentioned above.
	I think you mean growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd=/path/to/.iso 
Yes, that's the one.

-- but that's the one too dense (in the mathematical sense) for me; I don't know how to interpret what comes after Z. (I assume I just copy to there.)
The "-Z" means to burn an initial session.  "-M" means merge this
session to an existing one on the media.  The special form

	-Z /dev/dvd=/path/to/.iso

means "burn an initial session to /dev/dvd and use the pre-mastered
image file at /path/to/.iso".  It's right there on the man page.

Once you've burned the images to DVD, you can delete the .iso files. >
It's nice to have them around until you know you have good DVDs to work with.
	Yes, I understand that part -- though I'm actually using mostly 
DVD-RW tiill I get a good one.
	Fwiw, the Lite-On is an external DVD drive; it's plugged, not
into the computer directly, but into one of the ports on my MiniView G-
CSIO4U USB KVM switch -- as it has been for some time. Any chance
plugging it directly into the computer would help??
It sure couldn't hurt.  I don't trust USB hubs or switches or long
cables for media I'm trying to burn where you only get one shot.  For
normal R/W stuff (e.g. a USB-interfaced hard drive) it's OK (even if the
I/O is often slower), but you only get to try to burn that DVD once. If
there's a buffer underrun or something, you've got a nice coaster but
not a usable disc.
	I'll do that in a minute. Meanwhile, fwiw, machine #1 finished a 
bittorrent download. I burned it, and checked it, with Brasero. But the 
laptop can't boot from it, either in its own drive or in the external. 
You're sure it got burned using the .iso file as an image?  The most
common error is burning the .iso file as a file.  If you put the disc
into a drive (even the one you just burned it in), it SHOULD show up as
a bunch of files.  If you only see one, you burned it wrong.

OK, the external drive is now plugged directly into this machine (#2 machine, which has only a read-only drive of its own)), with a DVD-RW disk. I'll let K3B finish calculating its md5 sum, then try to burn with that. Stay tuned. - -
You possess a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained.    -
	Hey, I *like* that!
The one below is a bit more nerdy!
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                       rps2@xxxxxxxx -
- Hosting Consulting, Inc.                                           -
-                                                                    -
-    "Hello. My PID is Inigo Montoya.  You `kill -9'-ed my parent    -
-                     process.  Prepare to vi."                      -

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