Re: Importing address book and mail in Thunderbird

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Jim wrote:
I did a clean install of FC8 on PC which had FC6 before, I saved the old .thunderbird folder from FC6. How do I use the "Import" tool in thunderbird, FC8 to import the old FC6 thunderbird mail , address book ? I physically moved the old address book into the FC8 thunderbird and it wouldn't accept that.

Remember to restart thunderbird after an update. I just tried it and it didn't work but then I remembered that thunderbird had some updates. Restart thunderbird ,or log out and back in, after updates.

Usually that works but if you never exported the address book it may not work. There is a file in the thunderbird folder (at least on F8) called abook.mab ,it is a text file, it looks like the address book, copy your old one, from fc6, into the thunderbird folder but save the one that is already there with a different name,like abook.mab.old, first so you can put it back if it doesn't work out. Just a couple of your own risk !


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