Re: fedora 9 torrent?

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Valent Turkovic wrote:

Is this source reliable? Is this same as Fedora 9 that is planed to be
released on 13th of May?
The actual release is only tomorrow. A few days (4 usually) before the 
release is opened only to mirrors to start syncing the content. 
Invariably some of the admins get the ACL's wrong on the server side and 
we have a "leaked" release.
There is really no easy way to verify that now. It could be such a leak 
or it could be a root kit'ed ISO (which is even easier now courtesy of 
tools like pungi, livecd-tools and revisor). If you are adventurous, go 
ahead and try or install rawhide and update from that which is 
essentially the same. Otherwise, I would just stay put and wait for a day.

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