Re: Liberation Fonts & Font-Mapping 101

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On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 13:16 +0930, Tim wrote:
> I've got to go through this sort of thing, myself.  But haven't got
> organised yet.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time experimenting with this, today.  I'm
not saying that to make you feel bad, I had my own motivations for
messing with this.  I'd tried out some handwriting style font called
BrettFont that stupidly proclaims it's also Times New Roman, so any page
that called for that Times font was getting this very hard to read font,

I don't know what's up with Firefox, but it seems to play by its own
rules regarding using a font when it's told to use a substitute for
what's not available.

I had it working, then it stopped.  Further fiddling around on Ubuntu
with the same files, and it works.  I'll attach my test HTML page, and
my ~/.fonts.conf file.  

I usually don't care too much for using the fonts pages have tried to
pick for me, but for one thing:  Bad webmastering that's specified a
monospaced font in a stupid way (e.g. they've played with font tags,
instead of using a pre element), then written something expecting that
it will be rendered using a monospaced fontface.  It's useful to be able
to untangle such messes.

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Title: Fonts


Text in your browser's default font

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt ante nec massa. Phasellus in felis id dolor porttitor feugiat. Nulla et mi. Donec et nisi sit amet tortor viverra porttitor. Pellentesque sit amet massa vel sapien faucibus auctor. Praesent eget diam sit amet dolor convallis consequat. Praesent lobortis dapibus nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent lectus. Nullam at neque. Ut accumsan tellus a massa fringilla accumsan. Aenean consectetuer dolor in ligula. Quisque est arcu, congue a, porta a, euismod quis, augue. Fusce porta scelerisque turpis.

Font samples: A–G, a–g, one EYE el pipe zero OWE (the hard to distinguish characters)

Generic families

ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O cursive
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O fantasy
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O monospace
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O sans-serif
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O serif

Some fonts not specific to an OS

ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Baskerville
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Courier
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Helvetica
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Liberation Mono
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Liberation Sans
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Liberation Serif
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Roman
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Times
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Westminster

Some common Linux fonts

ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Bitstream Vera Sans
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Bitstream Vera Serif
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Century Schoolbook L
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Lucida Typewriter
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Luxi Sans
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Luxi Serif
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Luxi Mono
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Nimbus Mono L
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Nimbus Roman No9 L
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Nimbus Sans L
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O URW Bookman L
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O URW Gothic
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O URW Palladio
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Utopia

The common Windows (98–Vista) Fonts

ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Arial [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Arial Black [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Calibri (has special Bold & Italic) [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Cambria [serif]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Candara [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Comic Sans MS [handwriting,sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Consolas [mono,sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Constantia [serif]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Corbel [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Courier New [mono,serif]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Franklin Gothic Book [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Franklin Gothic Medium [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Franklin Gothic Demi [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Franklin Gothic Heavy [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Georgia [serif]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Impact [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Lucida Console [mono,sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Lucida Sans Unicode [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Palatino Linotype [serif]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Segoe Print [handwriting]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Segoe Script [cursive handwriting]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Segoe UI [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Tahoma [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Times New Roman [serif]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Trebuchet [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Trebuchet MS [sans]
ABCDEFG abcdefg 1Il| 0O Verdana [sans]

SANS-SERIF: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt ante nec massa. Phasellus in felis id dolor porttitor feugiat. Nulla et mi. Donec et nisi sit amet tortor viverra porttitor. Pellentesque sit amet massa vel sapien faucibus auctor. Praesent eget diam sit amet dolor convallis consequat. Praesent lobortis dapibus nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent lectus. Nullam at neque. Ut accumsan tellus a massa fringilla accumsan. Aenean consectetuer dolor in ligula. Quisque est arcu, congue a, porta a, euismod quis, augue. Fusce porta scelerisque turpis.

DEFAULT: Suspendisse cursus, urna at elementum aliquam, sapien sapien varius arcu, sit amet fermentum orci lorem vitae ipsum. Proin posuere. Aenean sed leo. Proin pulvinar consectetuer ante. Vestibulum at lectus. In eget mauris non urna feugiat viverra. Aliquam mattis augue at quam. Cras felis. Vivamus semper elit. Phasellus hendrerit dictum nisi.

SERIF: Donec vulputate felis volutpat neque. Vestibulum sodales. Nam eros nunc, cursus in, fringilla ut, imperdiet ut, massa. Praesent quam tellus, ullamcorper quis, malesuada ut, laoreet in, odio. Donec a neque ac orci tincidunt rutrum. Aenean feugiat. Donec vestibulum. Aenean sed sem in sem luctus fermentum. Vestibulum luctus sollicitudin nisi. Pellentesque dictum elementum quam. Suspendisse non nibh eu augue varius tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam justo. In vitae turpis. Mauris felis. Generated 3 paragraphs, 214 words, 1465 bytes of Lorem Ipsum

Attachment: .fonts.conf
Description: personal fonts configuration file

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