Re: fedora 8 hacked?

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tom lee wrote:
2008/4/25 Sam Varshavchik <mrsam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Your root filesystem probably got corrupted. When the kernel detects
filesystem corruption, the partition usually gets remounted read-only.

Run "shutdown -r -F now". This will reboot and refsck your root partition.
I tried "reboot" before and it got nput/output error. has to power off
and on machine for rebooting.
right now, the machien is in use and I cannot shut it down for
testing. maybe later.

it looks that it renders all partition as read-only. I don't like such
a design. if it crashes, let it crash. why remounting as read-only to
play smart?  it is better to reboot with "showdown -r -F now" right
rather than getting into such a dumb read-only stage that nobody knows
that it has something wrong right away. it took one day to know that
this OS has the problem.

From this perspective, I  think microsoft way of crasing is a better
design. at least you know some wrong right away and reboot the
computer automatically can get it fixed.

Microsoft gives a warning about corruption before crashing. A Big "Windows" splash screen corruption warning come up just at boot.
Oh, you meant filesystem corruption, not the vendor. Ignore.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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