Re: fedora 8 hacked?

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tom lee writes:

my machine was mounted as rw for directory "/", it works fine for a
while for sending out emails.
then I find the machine was changed to mount as read only for
directory "/". I cannot create any files in the directory / including
/tmp, nor can I send out emails of course. it complains the file
system is read-only. running "mount" command shows the machine is
mounted as "rw".  I checked no more log files modified any more under
/var/log directory. reboot the machine, the problem is gone.

any possible the machine got hacked or is there a way to check what
caused this problem?
Your root filesystem probably got corrupted. When the kernel detects 
filesystem corruption, the partition usually gets remounted read-only.
Run "shutdown -r -F now". This will reboot and refsck your root partition.

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