Re: fedora 8 hacked?

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tom lee wrote:
2008/4/25 Sam Varshavchik <mrsam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Your root filesystem probably got corrupted. When the kernel detects
filesystem corruption, the partition usually gets remounted read-only.

Run "shutdown -r -F now". This will reboot and refsck your root partition.
I tried "reboot" before and it got nput/output error. has to power off
and on machine for rebooting.
right now, the machien is in use and I cannot shut it down for
testing. maybe later.
You think the machine is compromised and you won't shut it down?How 
about running wireshark to see what's going on?
How about posting complete log files?

it looks that it renders all partition as read-only. I don't like such
a design. if it crashes, let it crash. why remounting as read-only to
play smart?  it is better to reboot with "showdown -r -F now" right
rather than getting into such a dumb read-only stage that nobody knows
that it has something wrong right away. it took one day to know that
this OS has the problem.

I think the idea is that if it is read-only then it can't be written too, things can't be changed, helping you identify what the problem is and ensuring perhaps that logs don't get overwritten or lost. If you want help you have to provide complete information, not bits and pieces, not why you think its dumb. It looks like your more interested in pointing fingers than solving problems. IMNSHO.

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