Re: Samba won't dance (more info)

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Tim wrote:
On Tue, 2008-04-15 at 07:17 -0700, Craig White wrote:
you don't actually expect people to parse that do you?
No, I really expect the original poster to post theirs, and have it
dissected and sorted out.  Rather than try to fit someone else's
configuration (mine) to theirs.

But I'm telling you that if you can't reliably ping and nmblookup
(which is somewhat similar to a ping), you're wasting your time here.
I agree.  As I said, and you've said before, it sounds like more basic
networking problems need resolving before fiddling with Samba.  Though I
was also saying it can be done.  And that Windows doesn't seem to work
particularly better using its own system, than Fedora does using Samba.

I don't recall whether Claude said whether he was pinging by IP
addresses, or trying to use host or domain names.

One thing to keep in mind is that the machine may be configured to not respond to pings. It is not as good of a test as it used to be.

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