Re: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 destroyed after the most recent F8 updates

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On 03/27/2008 01:03 PM Roger Heflin wrote:
David Chambers wrote:
On 03/27/2008 10:32 AM Heitor Moraes wrote:
Servers running Fedora 8?

yes.  All of them.

Network interfaces are e1000.
I had 2 of 12 machines lose their config. One had eth0-eth3 and the other had eth0 and eth1. It sounds suspiciously like this might be related to having multiple interfaces configured, as none of the single interface machines failed, nor did the ones where only eth0 was activated at boot time.

- D

The e1000 driver recently split into 2 different parts (I could wrong 
on the exact details of what happened-it looks like it split in 
2.6.23) one part called e1000 (pci/pci-x) and one part called e1000e 
(pcie), and there appears to be a lot of changes being done on the 
e1000 interface after that change, which could probably change the 
order of the interfaces and which would confuse the new hardware 
configuration tool and/or the current configuration and make it do bad 
things because of the order changing around in an unexpected way.

That would fit with the problem occurring after the recent kernel update (to Presumably if there was a change in e1000, that made kudzu think the hardware was different, so it created default config files.
I chmod -w'd my ifcfg-eth* files in any case :-)

- david

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