Re: Confessions of a secret NM user

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...... Original Message .......
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:14:58 -0700 "Rick Stevens" <ricks@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> Mea culpa.
>> Having attacked NM (NetworkManager) unmercifully in the past,
>> I now find myself completely at his (her?) mercy,
>> as he/she is the only way of connecting one of my current laptop
>> (with WiFi) to the real world.
>> For some reason, system-config-network has been getting steadily worse
>> over the last few months, and now does not work at all.
>> (At its best it worked about 65% of the time.)
>> Is anyone successfully using the network service + system-config-network
>> with Fedora-8 (updated)?
>> To be more precise, has anyone found themselves NOT connected with WiFi,
>> and found the problem solved by running system-config-network?
>Yes.  Easily 95% of my systems are hard-wired and use system-config-
>network (well, make that "service network start").  They're all using
>fixed IPs, though.
>I've only used NM/NMD on very rare occasions.  Even my laptop on wifi
>with WPA nodes and DHCP uses the regular stuff.  I did have to sort out
>wpa_supplicant and dhclient things, but that wasn't hard to do.
>- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                       rps2@xxxxxxxx -
>- Hosting Consulting, Inc.                                           -
>-                                                                    -
>- If at first you don't succeed, quit. No sense being a damned fool! -
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What I've found for the past month or so is that for my laptop (Dell XPS 
1710, Intel 3945 wireless) when I resume from hibernation I must restart 
wpa_supplicant before I can bring up a wireless connection:
	service wpa_supplicant restart
	ifup eth1

 I don't have it up but it's F8 and the kernel I'm running is something 
like  Hibernate doesnlt quite work in the 2.6.24.?? kernels.

NetworkManager hasn't worked for managing the wireless in quite a while.  I 
haven't had time to rip into it to figure out why (wish I did!).

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