Re: Yum is deeply flawed lately. Removes needed kernel modules by mistake

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Peter McNeil wrote:
Paul Johnson wrote:
I came to work today and glanced at the yum logs.  When it installs a
I can't believe I'm the only one seeing this, but nobody else is
yelling about it, so I must be the only one.  That makes me think I've
got something configured incorrectly.  I can report in bugzilla, but
won't do that until I'm sure it is not some bonehead mistake I've
made.  At least I'm consistent. It is happening on all the PCs I
Re the Nvidia drivers, no you're not making any mistake, this is a problem with the livna nvidia packaging, the problem is they update the version numbers and the kernel module barfs when it sees a different version number (I think) so they remove the old module.
I just reverted to doing the nvidia install manually you need to unpack 
the using the -x flag, change to that unpacked NVIDIA 
directory and run nvidia-installer -K to just install a new kernel module.
Having said that the livna packages are certainly easy and a good thing, 
just not if you have a new kernel with bugs (like the 2.6.24 kernels)

For Nvidia, I use the freshrpms version as it uses dkms and will 
re-create the module on reboot.  No waiting or re-installing due to 
livna being seconds behind the release of the new kernel.  :)

Robin Laing

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