On Mon, 7 Jan 2008, Tim wrote:
On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 01:16 +0000, Dr P Dupre wrote:
I do not know if you are right but, how do you explain that I can boot
fine with an older kernel ?
Perhaps one kernel has less of a problem with dealing with a duplicate
partition label? I don't think we have enough information from you to
really diagnose the issue.
Looking at your supplied grub.conf file, your older kernel boots using
"root=/dev/sda8" to say where "/" is, that's absolute and unequivical.
I'd expect that the newer kernel should boot the same, given the same
information. I'd expect both of them to have booting problems if you
had "root=LABEL=/" and two "/" *labelled* partitions (whether you might
it read-only or read/write is irrelevent).
You really need to remove that problem before worrying about anything
else. I haven't seen you say whether you have. But relabel one of the
So, with the new kernel, the behavior is different. It looks like that
it does not like at all that 2 partitions have the same label even if
they are used with an absolute addressing (like root=/dev/sdax) in the
Patrick Dupré pd520@xxxxxxxxxx
University of York Department of Chemistry
Heslington, York YO10 5DD United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(0)-1904-434384 Fax: +44-(0)-1904-432516