Re: Double messages

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Mark Haney wrote:
Karl Larsen wrote:
Michael Schwendt wrote:
On 22/01/2008, Karl Larsen <k5di@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am getting two copies of all messages to the Fedora list. This is 
the only list so effected.
I did some simple looking at the Thunderbird mail client and I have discovered how to do exactly what is being done to me. And it is dirt simple and all you need is the email address of the victom and the email address of the list. I have both for most people on this list. In theory I can do the same for all of you.


Sure, it's easy. Sure YOU can do it. But I think you're missing the issue here. Anyone with brains can pull this off, but /is anyone really doing this/? I know you've been looking at the problem, but try looking at the big picture. Is anyone really doing this? Or are you blowing this completely out of proportion?
Unless I see honest proof (logs, etc would be very informative) that 
this is truly the case, I think this thread needs to simply go away.
Please, feel free to do this to me if you wish.  I can (and probably 
SHOULD after this) filter every single email you post to this list.  
We don't mind helping you, but there are rules in this list.  
Unwritten and  unspoken, sure, but they are still rules.  A lot of 
people here are becoming quite unhappy with the fact that you don't 
seem to be learning those rules very well, or at all, depending on who 
you talk to.
This is a community, and not everyone gets along with everyone else. 
People rub each other the wrong way.  It's the nature of things.  But 
when protocol is followed, a good portion of that can be ameliorated.
Repeated threats like this isn't going to make you any friends and 
even more, make it very unlikely that you'll get any help at all.
I truly doubt someone on this list has the time (or the immaturity) to 
setup something like you describe.  But maybe I'm wrong.  Without 
evidence of this, I'm not buying.

* Besides, here in the US yesterday was Martin Luther King day, and in the words of a another King (uh, Rodney), "can't we all just get along?"

It is obvious that we can not get along and it is not my fault. I discovered yesterday I was getting 2 copies of every message sent to this list. It is not nice. When I got it figured out it is someone on this list who is doing it to ME, I decided to find out, how hard is this to do? In short order I discovered you can cause this to happen if your using Thunderbird.
   As for get along I am in favor of that. I only react when I have 
been fouled. And many of the so-called experts here get great pleasure 
from hurting me.

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