Re: Double messages

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Michael Schwendt wrote:
On 22/01/2008, Karl Larsen <k5di@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Kam Leo wrote:
On Jan 22, 2008 7:53 AM, Karl Larsen <k5di@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    I noticed my messages were sent twice to the Fedora list. They are
coming from somewhere outside my smtp server. Does anyone else have the
same problem?

    Now all messages to Fedora are sent twice. No other lists have this
problem. So it must be a problem at Fedora or a more complex problem.


Have you verified that your Fedora List subscription setting has your
own postings turned off?

    I had to put a GOOD password on my fedora listing. So that is not
the problem because now other people's messages are double too.
You didn't understand above question.

So let's rephrase: Do you get all messages twice or only the ones
*you* send to the list yourself?

I am getting two copies of all messages to the Fedora list. This is the only list so effected.
I did some simple looking at the Thunderbird mail client and I have discovered how to do exactly what is being done to me. And it is dirt simple and all you need is the email address of the victom and the email address of the list. I have both for most people on this list. In theory I can do the same for all of you.

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