On Thursday 17 January 2008, Les Mikesell wrote: > Robert P. J. Day wrote: > > no, that clearly won't stop some people from screwing things up, but > > as long as people continue to build incompatible repos, i don't see > > that there's any perfect solution. > > Ummm, people didn't 'build incompatible repos'. Sure they did. After all, fedora.us was a third party repo once, and if you happen to have ATrpms and RPMforge enabled at the same time as KDE-RedHat and PlanetCCRMA, on a fedora prior to the Core-Extras merger, with Fedora Extras disabled, you will still get issues where these repos have the same package that is packaged differently. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. And had to work out kinks in a clamAV installation because of it....nothing like having an apt-get update; apt-get upgrade bring in a completely differently packaged ClamAV every other upgrade (one repo would bump the version, then the other would catch up....). And this was on CentOS 4, no Fedora in sight. This situation after the Core-Extras merger is better than before, at least from my point of view. The other repos pretty much have to be compatible with the whole Fedora, and that did help some, at least from my vantage point (the packagers, I'm sure, had a different vantage point, of course). -- Lamar Owen www.pari.edu