Re: Java problem

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Gene Heskett wrote:
Besides a compatible version of Java requires signing a test suite which
until recently came with onerous restrictions that has been lifted and
paved the way to better compatibility.

Excellent news, Rahul.  Unforch not in time for F8, F9 maybe?
IcedTea which is included already in Fedora 8 (and other distributions) 
already is as close as it gets to a 100% open source OpenJDK. Removing 
the remaining binary encumbrances from OpenJDK has been a slow process. 
Sun has licensed third party code which frequently needs to be entirely 
replaced with free and open source equivalents or written from scratch 
and plugged in. The agreement between Red Hat and Sun helps here but it 
is no magic bullet. There is ongoing work on this and IcedTea will 
continue to pull in the latest bits from OpenJDK. More details at

The other important reason to continue with a alternative implementation is the OpenJDK is currently x86 only while Fedora already supports x86_64 and PPC and more architecture support being added for upcoming releases.


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