Nigel, > I installed Sun's jre-6u3-linux... , and now the jigsaw applet works, > and so does the site your having problems with. Did the "sub-window" named "Cotações" finished loading on F8 at your computer? It's a tabbed "sub-window", like the one at the bottom of the screen, and it shows a list of stocks with their respective cotations, min. value, max. value and other info. If it did load, it's weird, because I've tested in four different F8 machines, with no success. At all of them, this area only shows a little watch animation and the message "Aguarde..." (which means "Wait..."). The link to the application is: See here a screenshot of the application fully loaded and working on F7: The other three "sub-windows" (top, bottom and right) load and work ok both on F7 and F8. The problem is just with the area named "Cotações". I've tested with the version of Firefox supplied with F8, which I don't remember what is, and with, which is the version I have working in F7 (in several boxes). Tested F8 with icedtea and with Sun's Java plugin, and with and without nspluginwrapper installed. Tested with a new firefox profile. Tested on F8 installed with default options in a virtual machine (VMWare), with no customized configuration other then upgrading Firefox, uninstalling icedtea, installing Sun's Java, installing flash-plugin and uninstalling nspluginwrapper. Other than that, I'm out of ideas to test... Thanks, Marcelo