Re: Where do you put all your HTML stuff on a home Linux server?

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Chris G wrote:
I've been changing my mind and messing about with this for years and *still* haven't really come to a sensible final conclusion. It's not even that it matters all that much but I wish there was an obvious answer.

There are two basic alternatives, each with advantages and

1 - In your home directory

    Permissions are easy to deal with, no need to become root to edit
    web pages.

    But it means that, if the outside world has access, you have to be
    *very* careful with apache set up if you want to be sure only the
    right bits are visible to the outside world.

You either have to use ~<user> in the URL or you have to add symbolic links from apache's DocumentRoot.
I use this method, but to reach my box you have to use an SSH
tunnel so I'm not overly worried about outside access. First
you have to get past the access lists, then login using ssh
then connect to the correct place. I don't permit direct access
to my home network from the outside world.

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry@xxxxxxxxxxx                         Main site                    My HA Blog
Author of:    	Linux Smart Homes For Dummies

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