Re: CVS is dead

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Martin Marques wrote:
Mercurial fixes all the CVS *issues* and also has the same command

hg status
hg commit -m "some comment"
hg add
hg diff

And you can start to enter the wonderful world of distributed VCS. :-D

i didn't say that subversion was the best version control system of
all the possible choices -- only that, if one was already fairly
conversant with CVS, it would be a "reasonable" choice for a new
All the new VCS have tried to keep the same command structure, not only svn
CVS has problems caused by all of the history being kept in a single 
file (it doesn't understand directory operations like renames), but the 
up side is that you can track development 'forwards' from any point. 
With svn, there's no way to start from an earlier tag and follow future 
tags/branches of that same file.  This must be even worse in distributed 
VC's where the changes might not even exist in your copy of the 
repository.  Doesn't it bother you to know you might be repeating 
someone else's mistakes because you can't track all the other changes 
from a given point?
  Les Mikesell

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