Re: how to jigdo download a fedora 8 re-spin in one easy step?

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Gene Heskett wrote:
On Wednesday 26 December 2007, David Boles wrote:
Gene Heskett wrote:
On Wednesday 26 December 2007, Beartooth Sciurivore wrote:

Beartooth: The gui is broken, as the docs we *do* have clearly say.  Use
the cli, jigdo-lite version.  Its been broken since it release in 2004 or
2005, and no one to my knowledge has touched it with an eye toward fixing
There is no working GUI for jigdo. And, IMO, one is not really needed.
Jigdo-lite 0.7.3 is *not* broken. I have this theory. If it ain't broke
- don't fix it.  ;-)

While all of this complaining about 'it's too hard' was going on I took
about ten minutes to find the files and instructions for jidgo and the
Unity DVD iso file. It took about 1 1/2 hours for jigdo to download the
changes and create the new iso. I then tested it on my beta/rc
partition. It boots and installs with no problems.  YMMV
Maybe so, but you have obviously done this several times previously, David.  
As far as the gui is concerned, no it is not needed, but the majority of us 
would like to have one with 2 or three file requesters to use, one for 
getting the src listing from the url, one for finding that src list on your 
machine once its been downloaded, and one to tell it where to put the 
results.  With such a working gui that launched the jigdo-lite as a 
background process giving it the correct syntax and data as derived from the 
file requesters, I'd bet that jigdo usage would multiply by 10 in a week.
Sorry to hear that.  If the bandwidth is available, I've found it easier
and easier to pull the iso's as each new release sneaks out the door.


Well so far the GUI called Jigsaw which is what you get if you yum -y install jigado is nice but I can't get it to work and of course there are no help files. And of course if I can't get anything to work I can't write the instructions :-)


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
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