Re: symlink of /home causes mail delivery failure

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Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:
Alastair Neil wrote:
    I was hoping to avoid dedicating a whole partition to /home, so I'm
trying the symlink approach instead. Except procmail doesn't seem to be
    doing the right thing...

IMO a separate partition is a very sensible idea, it allows you to upgrade and re-install the system without losing your precious data. However in this case a bind mount might solve your problem:
mount -rbind /where-ever/home /home
That didn't work either...

I can execute procmail manually with a test message, and it just doesn't work when the /home folder is symlinked or bind/rbind mounted. (It works fine when the /home folder is a "normal" folder.)
No error message is given, which is odd.

- Mike

The whole story on my moving /home to another partition is short. I made the new partition with 'fdisk' and then put an ext3 file system down. Today I wish it was a bigger partition since photos and things are big.
   Anyhow then mount the new partition to your main and use cp -a * on 
the name your using. You will want to leave /home to mount on. When done 
put the proper line in fstab and then rename the name to so it 
is still there if you goof up. Then reboot and if it works rm 
and your done.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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