Re: boot time challenge

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Hi List!!

I think that SuSE is desktop oriented OS but Fedora is not at all just like server use.
So it will be one of character of Fedora, it doesn't matter.

To set this distribution makes light weight by default install and can be full spec server with some important daemons.
What do you think?

Hiroaki Kondo
Security consultant in Japan
hackman a

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Horsley" <tom.horsley@xxxxxxx>
To: "Fedora List" <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 5:08 AM
Subject: boot time challenge

openSUSE 10.3 was released a few days ago and I've
just installed it in an alternate boot partition on
my machine.

One of the items in the suse release notes says they have
vastly improved boot time, so I figured I'd put a stopwatch
on my system and see how they compare.

From hitting return in grub to getting a gdm login prompt
the times are as follows (obviously on the same hardware,
just booting from different partition):

openSUSE 10.3 - 34 seconds

Fedora 7 - 1 minute 11 seconds

That does seem pretty impressive. Any chance Fedora will
accept the challenge and work on its boot time? :-).

P.S. Very nearly half of that 1.11 is spent in a blank
stare after the boot messages say "Starting Redhat Nash".

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