Re: boot time challenge

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Tom Horsley wrote:
P.S. Very nearly half of that 1.11 is spent in a blank
stare after the boot messages say "Starting Redhat Nash".
The reason it's blank is because grub tells the kernel to not spew out information about device detection and such. If you want to see it, remove the "quiet" flag from grub.conf. (Or, if you want to see it once, press 'e'(edit) when grub menu comes up, remove 'quiet' from the command line and press 'b' (boot))

Also, I agree with the other posters - I use Fedora on my laptop and frequently wish it started up faster. Sleep mode is nice (and *appears* to work), but I don't trust it all that much. I'd rather the data on my HD was synced :)

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