Thomas Chung wrote:
=== Flash Player Security Update === Adobe released a new version of flash player last week. The update in itself isn't terribly significant, but this brings up a great opportunity to stress the importance of not running Flash Player as a standalone plugin. Firefox currently has the ability to magically install Flash Player if you visit a site that requires it, and you don't have it installed. The problem with this installation method is that you will never get security updates for your local copy. Fedora users should install flash from here: This is a great service WarrenTogami provides. As long as you rely on this yum repository for Flash Player, you should receive the necessary updates to keep your browser secure.
Actually, the repository is no longer being updated. Adobe is providing their own yum repository now.
From the website:
This site used to host RPM and yum/apt repositories of Adobe Flash Player. Adobe has since taken over the job of RPM packaging and providing a yum repository. Get the adobe-release package from Adobe to install their yum config and GPG key. Existing users of this yum repository must migrate to Adobe's repository. This site will shut down in the near future.
So the advice is still valid -- use yum so you'll get updated automatically -- but the download site has changed.
-- Kelson Vibber SpeedGate Communications <>