Sorry if this has already been asked/answered, I seem to have missed the answer. Under FC4 I would plug in the USB flash drive, and see in /var/log/messages that it is autodetected as /dev/sd*, and then the mount point /media/whatever being created and assigned to it. After that, I would just type $ mount /media/whatever (as an ordinary user, not root) to have the device mounted, if I wish. That was the default behavior in FC4, but not in FC6 or F7. Now I have to mkdir a mount point, su to root, then mount -t vfat /dev/sda /somewhere, chown the files to my username, and then use the device. Possible, but painful --- I got used to all that being automatic... :-( So, how do I get that behavior back? I want it to work for all devices I might plug in, including USB flash drives, CDs, DVDs, external HDs, etc. Best regards, :-) Marko Marko Vojinovic Institute of Physics University of Belgrade ====================== e-mail: vmarko@xxxxxxxxxxxx