On 24/06/07, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At my university, the winboxen can boot from usb, but they are configured to boot ONLY from disk. The BIOS is also password protected, and the case is locked. What is a poor Fedora junkie to do? I unplugged one of the machines, then wormed a plastic stick (actually a stepped-on mechanical pencil) into the case, and actually managed to pop out the motherboard's button battery! Ten minutes later, there was no more password on the BIOS...
Without wishing to be a kill joy, I hope you realize that this sort of activity is likely to get you in serious trouble with your university. While you may know what you're doing, university administrators would surely see your acts as at least vandalism. Admirable motives, but, not worth getting kicked out of uni for. J.