On 6/23/07, Chris Jones <jonesc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The livna readme
That would be the NVIDIA driver README. Livna has absolutely nothing to do with it.
http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.11/README/appendix-a.html I had a similar problem with the refresh rates as you seem to have. I found that whilst the nv driver found all the modes my screen can support just fine, the nvidia driver (I have to use the 1.0-71xx driver since my card is quite elderly) did not. The problem for me was the driver was not getting the horizontal and vert frequencies correctly, and default to very safe values... This can be easily fixed by supply your own. Add a section like
This is inaccurate. The driver always tries to obtain the correct information from the EDID in your display device. Now if your display device has no EDID, or the EDID is broken in some way, then the driver is going to fall back to safe defaults, which can still be overridden.