Re: tons of spam

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From: "Tim" <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 06:50 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
There is no way this list can control how much spam you get.
Not directly, but there are various measures that mailing list software
can do to mitigate against them causing more spam:

Making it harder for robots to subscribe themselves.
Not supplying lists of members on demand.
Munging e-mail addresses written in message bodies.
Removing personal addresses from to, CC, reply-to, and from headers.

And there's probably a few others that don't occur to me at the moment.
But, having said that, not all of them are a good idea to do.  Some
anonymising schemes have nasty consequences.
Dear ignored_mailbox, you are demanding the mail servers at the
mailing list assume an unreasonable additional load. Get a life
and some real filtering of your own. Or else help pay for the
mail servers Red Hat uses for Fedora's lists.


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