At 09:55 PM 6/18/2007, Tony Nelson wrote:
<TN>>>>>In many cases a reboot, or just making sure that nothing is using
RPM and`rm /var/lib/rpm/__db00?` will fix strange RPM issues.<<<<<
Hmmm ... there are four /var/lib/rpm/__db00x files (000 through 003).
I said "ps aux | grep rpm" and got back nothing, so can I assume nothing is
using rpm? Should I just blow away those four __db00x files?
<TN>>>>>Sometimes it helps to rebuild the RPM database, with `rpm
--rebuilddb`.This functionality may be going away; if that happens, you
will need to re-install the OS instead.<<<<<
Oh, for Pete's sake ... What goes around, comes around, right? I've had to
put up with "re-install Windows" as a cure for what ails ye for years, now
you're telling me that Linux is tumbling down that same path? :-(