Re: Installing programs or libraries with yum or pirut

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Karl Larsen wrote:
Richard England wrote:
Karl Larsen wrote:
           Three Things.
Well I can't be sure this bug has not been reported 45 times. Right now I'm compiling the FFTW libraries from a tar ball and just looked. It did compile on FC6!
Hi Karl,

While there can be some fun had in compiling stuff from source - here is how I went about it, using pre-existing binary packages:
1. Applications|Add/Remove Software
2. enter my root password
3. click the search tab
4. type fftw
5. click search
6. click in the checkbox next to fftw to tick the box
7. Apply
8. OK.
wait while the fftw rpm package is downloaded, then installed.
9. "Software Installed successfully", click OK.

or *command line*

1. start a terminal
2. yum search fftw
I noticed available packages for: fftw, fftw2, fftw3, and -devel and
-debuginfo packages for these. In fact fftw and it's variants are available from a few software repositories made for fedora {including fedora-extras which is configured by default}.
3. su -c 'yum install fftw'
4. provide the root password
5. "Is this ok [y/N]:" enter y

Now lets imagine you are wanting to create a program using these libraries. What is the actual library name that is provided ?:
rpm -q --provides fftw3

Where did file within the package get installed to ?:
rpm -q --filesbypkg fftw3

Perhaps you have viewed the requirements for say cinelerra, and noted that it requires fftw3 libraries. Instead of manually downloading|extract|config|make|install the application and it's requirements I would configure my yum repositories to include {ask if you need some help to do this}.
then command line:
1. su -c "yum install cinelerra"
2. provide the root password
Notice how it knows that cinelerra needs fftw3, and adds it to the install {along with other stuff}. Just in case that isn't what you wanted you then get asked:
3. "Is this ok [y/N]:" enter y

I think the ease with which you can do this in Fedora 6 or 7 is quite surprising.

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