Re: Fedora vs OpenSuse

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Ralf Corsepius wrote:
On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 16:54 -0400, Tom Horsley wrote:
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:25:08 -0400
taharka <res00vl8@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

OpenSuse/SEL includes AppArmor, which is they're answer to SELINUX &
supposedly easier to configure/administrate ;-)
Yea, AppArmor is really secure :-). At work someone found it
was refusing to let them run something (I forget which program,
some utterly common utility like uname or date or something).
They copied the executable to a different name file, and it
let them run the copy just fine.
Well, is this much better than SELinux-issues preventing your Fedora
systems to work properly?
Design bugs are always going to be harder to fix than implementation 
issues. Any issues reported are fixed pretty quickly. Did you report any?
I've never encountered a case where SELinux caught an actual security
breach, but I've seen many cases were SELinux prevented systems from
operating properly.
There has dozens of such instances where SELinux has prevented or 
mitigated the issue. Just one example at


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