Re: network monitoring

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Ed Greshko wrote:
Les Mikesell wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Wednesday 06 June 2007 12:16:34 Andy Green wrote:
Yep no doubt.  But what does it mean?  It's now a reasonable duty
expected of the company to read all the employee traffic and you are
negligent if you're not doing it?  Don't worry it's just a rhetorical

No, there's no obligation to do that - it's just that if you don't you
can be imprisoned for the behaviour of your employee.  I doubt if any
company routinely monitor like that, but if it was suspected that
someone was using company time and bandwidth for an illegal purpose,
it would certainly be sensible to monitor that person's activities for
a time.  It's not something I ever needed to do, but I can see that it
could happen.
I don't think there is anything new or special about email here.  A
company can't knowingly allow any of their equipment to be used for
illegal purposes.  What would you do if you thought an employee was
making bomb threats from a company phone?

NBIALH....  (No Body Is A Lawyer Here) .... But sure, a company can
knowingly allow their equipment to be used for illegal purposes.  Sure, I
can tell you how to snoop on your users.  Will your actions be legal?  Will
my telling how to do it be legal?  Damed if I I remain silent on
the issue.

You go figure it out and be responsible for your actions in the jurisdiction
within you live.

As Ed has pointed out the legal position on monitoring is very complex and varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. From what I have been able to determine there is very little case law to really have a good idea how courts would rule in any jurisdiction. What is out there seems at times to contradict itself, probably because few lawyers and fewer judges understand the issues and what is possible. One interesting case in point is the handling of VOIP as part of the old Telco systems phone conversations did not need to recorded and saved, requiring all data to be saved then VOIP conversation are included in the net. Requiring a company to save VOIP conversation but not requiring the competitor down the road to save their regular telco conversations creates a very uneven playing field. Depending on which court and how they rule the operators of public hot spots and other public access points are in a frighteningly dangerous position, Even worse if someone hacked into your presumably secure wireless access point there is the potential for you to be held libel if you could not prove beyond a court level of proof it came from outside your network and you had done every possible thing to prevent unauthorized use. The whole area is a minefield that will take a number of years to sort out before there can be very clear guidelines established. I had looked at setting up a series of hot spot locations but gave up when I realised the process could be come very onerous for the users and the actual operators if appropriate precautions were taken. In the last 10 years or so IT has opened up a myriad of security and privacy issues that will take years to stabalise, probably the first step is educating the typical user to implement a reasonable level of security and protection - a level that most of us on this list know well and hopefully are examples of reasonable precautions.

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