Re: network monitoring

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Anne Wilson wrote:
On Wednesday 06 June 2007 12:16:34 Andy Green wrote:
Yep no doubt.  But what does it mean?  It's now a reasonable duty
expected of the company to read all the employee traffic and you are
negligent if you're not doing it?  Don't worry it's just a rhetorical

No, there's no obligation to do that - it's just that if you don't you can be imprisoned for the behaviour of your employee. I doubt if any company routinely monitor like that, but if it was suspected that someone was using company time and bandwidth for an illegal purpose, it would certainly be sensible to monitor that person's activities for a time. It's not something I ever needed to do, but I can see that it could happen.
I don't think there is anything new or special about email here.  A 
company can't knowingly allow any of their equipment to be used for 
illegal purposes.  What would you do if you thought an employee was 
making bomb threats from a company phone?
  Les Mikesell

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