Regarding using the GUI tools instead of command line tools, I use the
GUI tools if available. Why not if they setup items correctly.
That's true. It's just much more cumbersome to explain the steps when troubleshooting.
If you open up a terminal and run /sbin/lspci, what is the output for
the Ethernet?
There is some bug for one NIC type. This might be the one if it causes
so much trouble. I think it was E1000 but cannot recall the specifics of
the Ethernet card that has problems.
If it's a laptop, is NIC still the right term? Anyways the device is
It was working in all previous Fedora releases and I think this is a pretty common laptop ethernet controller so I'm not skeptical about it being a bug, but who knows. Is there any way to get more output/debug info when enabling the device?
Type faster. Use Dvorak: