Re: F7/Thunderbird 2 Problem

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Norm wrote:
A new install of Fedora 7 went well using the rescue disk to start the process. I added Thunderbird as my email client after the basic install, the first thing I noticed is Thunderbird 2 does not allow for RSS feeds - this seems to be a Mozilla issue but another issue with Thunderbird has occurred. For a while it works fine and then when I attempt to open an email it shuts down, usually but not always a reboot resets Thunderbird so that it works for a while and then the problem starts over again. Has anyone else experienced this? I am not sure if this is a Thunderbird issue or a Fedora issue so I have not submitted a bug report.
1- Thunderbird allows RSS Feeds. I am currently receiving 8 of them. 
Just create a RSS Feed as you do with an e-mail account.
2- Never experienced any problems with Thunderbird, but I do not install 
it during fresh installs or upgrades. I download a new file from Mozilla 
and extract it (as root) in /usr/local. You have to create a launcher 
* Carlos Alberto Alves                       *
* Child Neurologist                          *
* Systems Analyst/ASUS Certified Professional*
* Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                     *
* Skype: carlos-aa                           *
* mailto:drcaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx                *
* mailto:drcaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             *

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