Re: network monitoring

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One other thing, in the states if you as a company are actively
monitoring/tracking email, im and internet usage and an employee does
something illegal, you the company could be held liable as well so I
would also make sure that you know all the laws concerning monitoring.

On 6/5/07, Nigel Henry <cave.dnb@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tuesday 05 June 2007 19:57, Manuel Arostegui Ramirez wrote:
> El Martes, 5 de Junio de 2007 19:45, Frank Cox escribió:
> > On Tue, 05 Jun 2007 11:25:58 +0200
> >
> > I assume this is to prevent anyone from saying, "But I told you on MSN
> > that I wanted you to sell that stock yesterday" after the bottom falls
> > out.
> If that's true, why not only keeping a log of the company instant messaging
> system? (If available)
> The point was, I'd like to know if he's going to inform his users about all
> this stuff
> --
> Manuel Arostegui Ramirez.

I may be wrong. but seem to remember that Yogesh asked about setting up an
Internet café a while back. If that's so, perhaps he just wants to make sure
his clients arn't accessing dodgy sites, etc.

I have no idea as to how responsible an owner of an Internet café would be if
some of his clients were accessing seriously dodgy porn sites. And I mean the
worst kind, or were older people carrying on dirty talk with young people by
means of IM.

Under such circumstances I can well understand the need to know what your
clients are doing on machines that on the bottom line, you are responsible

As you say Manuel his clients/employees would need to be very well aware that
their Internet activity was being monitored, and that they the
client/employee would ultimately be responsible for what they did on the

Not so easy to track down someone who wanders into an Internet café off the
street though. They come in, in anonimity, do what they want on your machine,
and go out in anonimity.

I only mention this, as I'd thought about setting up an Internet café, but now
think that it's not worth the hassle if you are responsible for what your
clients do on your machines while online.


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