Re: Will wget download -

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Paul Ward wrote:
I used wget -c to download the Fedora 7 ISO @3GB and it was fine,
I'd use the -c flag so if your download drops the -c will allow you to continue.
I have found Fedora 7 to be the est release yet, I am very impressed 
with it.

On 04/06/07, Bob Goodwin - W2BOD <bobgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Will wget download the 2.7G/ F-7-i386-DVD.iso?

It seems to me I saw something about a 2 gig limit?

I started the download and it's going at a good rate with eta of 4 hours!
Should I let it go or am I wasting my time?

My isp limits me to 5G down and 17G up in a 30 day period so I hate to
waste bw.
I screwed that sentence up! I should have said:

My isp limits me to 5G UP and 17G DOWN in a 30 day period so I hate to
waste bw.

Bob Goodwin


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