Bob Goodwin - W2BOD wrote:
Will wget download the 2.7G/ F-7-i386-DVD.iso?
It seems to me I saw something about a 2 gig limit?
I started the download and it's going at a good rate with eta of 4 hours!
Should I let it go or am I wasting my time?
My isp limits me to 5G down and 17G up in a 30 day period so I hate to
waste bw.
Bob Goodwin
It depends.
At the shell prompt type: ulimit
and see what is says. What you want it to say is: unlimited
If it says something that starts with a number less than 3, you may not
be able to complete the download.
ulimit -a
will show all the categories that may have limits on them.
-f is the one that ulimit shows with no arguments, like we did above.
For example, to set up unlimited file sizes and enable core dumps of any
ulimit -c unlimited -s unlimited -f unlimited
Check /etc/profile for the ulimit section and edit as desired (within
reason) to set things up permanently.
Good luck!