Re: Thunderbird scam warnings

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Zachary Napora wrote:
I'm pretty sure he's talking about Thunderbird's 'E-Mail Scam' detection, not junk mail detection. While TB's junk email detection offers a whitelist(just add to your address-book and enable), and fairly good bayesian learning, it appears scam detection does not. From what I've seen it goes on a few rules such as having IPs in the email, or misleading hyperlinks. It's also fairly overzealous at what it does. Like Langdon said, if it really annoys you, It's probably best just to disable it.
On 6/1/07, *Benjamin Lewis* <ben.lewis@xxxxxxxxxx 
<mailto:ben.lewis@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    Robin Laing wrote:
     > Gordon Charrick wrote:
     >> I'm subscribed to a private, moderated mail list so there is no
     >> chance of junk email. It's annoying when thunderbird thinks 1/4 of
     >> the messages might be scams. Is there a way to tell it that
     >> to the list address is okay?
     >> Gordon
     > My experience with TB says that after unchecking the junk status, TB
     > will learn that the mail ins't junk in time.  The same goes for
     > learning what is junk.  Just use the tools provided.
    I've noticed TB pick up "spam" when a person posts 3 or 4 times to the
    list in succession, it will learn eventually though, don't worry!


    Benjamin Lewis
    Fedora Ambassador
    ben.lewis@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ben.lewis@xxxxxxxxxx>

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I don't know, I find that once I mark a message as not being scam I don't see it marked again. I am using TB 2.0 so it may be better.
Due to the move to M$ Exchange Server,
   anything that is a priority, please phone.
Robin Laing

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