Hi, I just installed F7 which went great. When I booted the DVD I added to the kernel command line "resolution=1680x1050" which as far as I could tell was honored. Once F7 was installed and the laptop rebooted X does not want to display at 1680x1050 with the vesa driver (which I need cause this laptop has an ATI X1300). The system-config-display app doesn't show 1680x1050. I also tried to add Modes "1680x1050" to the Screen section in xorg.conf but that does not make a difference either. Is there any way that I can force X to use 1680x01050? Thanks for any pointers. Regards, Patrick ps: ajax/Adam Jackson if you read this: with your much appreciated tweaks to the X server I can now do a graphical install on my laptop. Where the screen was previously directed to the wrong port it now shows the F7 welcome screen in all its glory. Thanks!