Re: Where Fedora Went Wrong (nice conclusion)

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Les wrote:
    I have not yet added to Linux.  I am still a noob, but coming along.
I expect that by the end of the year I may be able to add to the great
experiment that is no longer an experiment.
    One thing I am still not clear about.... If someone (like me)
creates some whooptidoo program that does something wonderful, can
he/she sell that program commercially?  Or is that code automatically
under GPL because it is designed on Linux?  Curiosity more than any real
project behind the question.
The fact that it was designed and built under Linux does not
automatically make it GPL. However, if you link it with GPL
stuff, or otherwise incorporate it with GPL stuff, then GPL
infects your code. There is debate over whether linking with
LGPL stuff infects your code. If you use GPL stuff and don't
link with it, but it needs to be loaded with it, say a
shared library, then it becomes GPL, unless you can show that
there is an alternative to the GPL stuff which it can be
loaded with. If it has to be loaded with LGPL stuff, then
there is debate over whether it becomes GPL or LGPL etc.

Oppose globalization and One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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