Re: On Bugzilla and spreading FOSS, was: Where Fedora Went Wrong...

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M. Fioretti wrote:
On Wed, May 16, 2007 23:39:15 PM +0530, Rahul Sundaram
(sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

M. Fioretti wrote:
On Wed, May 16,  R. Sundaram (sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

You can choose to not contribute anything back and only expect to
get everything for free but if everybody chooses to be selfish you
wouldn't get what you are getting. This is a ecosystem that relies
folks investing resources like their own time or money. If you have
the time to complain you have time to contribute.
I have already explained (1) why I believe the "This is a COMMUNITY,
so you must contribute to it in some way" slogan, even when expressed
politely and in full good faith as Rahul just did, is... let's say
counterproductive, these days, so I won't repeat it here.
Did I ever say you must? Don't put words on my mouth.
Well, you did say "if you have time to complain, you have time to
contribute", which frankly sounds almost the same to me and has the
same limits.
Then something is distorting your sounds or ear. I am ok with people not 
contributing anything at all. Regardless of what I want the large 
majority is simple not going to contribute but I will do what I can do 
to encourage them. If feedback is provided it can be done is 
constructive ways.
 > I have just looked at that page. Thanks! I think you did a pretty good
job of making the current system less unusable (the fact that it is
unusable it is not your fault, of course). I have bookmarked that page
and will point to it folks who are trying to use bugzilla with Fedora
or other environments. However, I am not sure you and I are talking
about the same scenario. Your explanations are clear and a real time
saver for somebody who already is a competent Linux user. My initial
comment was written with the real newbie in mind. Consider what you
wrote in the OOo section:

    * A crash on startup might be a crash in some OpenGL lib, not OOo itself.
          o Get the test source at
          o Run gcc testgl.c -o testgl -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lGL to compile it.
          o If it also crashes, your bug is probably not an OOo bug.
          o If it happens on an x86_64 box, remember that OOo is a 32-bit app, Firefox is 32-bit on the same platforms, so see if it has the same problem as well.

These instructions and their purpose are very clear to me, but for a
real newbie they are absolutely obscure gibberish.
That's not the audience it was written for.  The newbie solution is 
better client side apps which Will Woods, QA lead for Fedora is working on.

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