I'm trying to install either
<http://sourceforge.net/projects/pears/>, or
preferably, <http://code.google.com/p/feed-on-feeds/>.
pears gave:
[root@localhost Desktop]#
[root@localhost Desktop]# rpmbuild -ta pears-1.7.tgz
error: Legacy syntax is unsupported: copyright
error: line 18: Unknown tag: Copyright: GPL
[root@localhost Desktop]#
[root@localhost Desktop]# date
Thu Apr 19 06:47:32 BST 2007
[root@localhost Desktop]#
so, I figure better to go with feeds-on-feeds, which seems to be sorta
"How do I install and use FEED ON FEEDS?
Installing it.
1. Download this tarball.
2. Explode it.
3. Edit the file config.php to contain the correct DB connection
* If needed, create a MySQL DB for FEED ON FEEDS. Or, you can
use an existing DB.
4. Upload the entire tree to wherever on your server you want FEED ON
FEEDS to live.
5. Load the page http://{your server}/{wherever you put FEED ON
FEEDS}/install.php. The installer will first check that it can connect
to your DB, and then attempt to create the necessary two tables. Then,
it will attempt to create a subdirectory called cache where it will store
cached copies of RSS feeds. This part of the installation may fail, as
your PHP process may not have permission to create a directory. You may
need to create the directory {wherever you uploaded FEED ON FEEDS
to}/cache/ yourself, and make sure it is writable by the PHP process. If
you needed to do that, reload install.php.
6. You should now see a message that says you're ready to go!"
I have apache up and running to the point where I get the "default" page,
or I can browse to <http://localhost/helloworld.html> for my own html, or
<http://localhost/mysql_up.php> shows that MySQL is up and running. I can
poke around in MySQL, read a PHP script, start some services, and so on,
but all this is new to me.
/var/www/html/helloworld.html is the full path for the hello world test.
According to step 4, could I upload the tree to /var/www/html/ ?
According to step 3, how would I determine the "correct" DB connection
I also looked at <http://www.oshineye.com/software/aggrevator.html>
because: "Aggrevator's chief distinguishing factor is it's use of a MySql
database to permanently store every entry fetched from every blog you
subscribe to," which is what I'm after.
Any suggestions? I'm partial to feed-on-feeds, but can go in other
directions. I'm just getting started with apache, PHP and MySQL.