Scott van Looy wrote:
On Apr 17 Les Mikesell did spake thusly:
No, there are three methods known to fix windows problems and you
always try them in this order: (1) reboot, (2), reinstall windows, (3)
Possibly 9,000,000 years ago, unsurprisingly things have changed
somewhat since.
I have a long memory and have not forgotten the wasted time.
IF it's not booting, insert CD, go to recovery console, log on, type
For other issues:
1) reboot
2) last known good
3) safe mode (if it runs in safe mode, try rebooting, sometimes that's
enough to fix things, sometimes not). Fix the issue there
I've had this work a few times, and not a few times.
4) insert Windows CD and let it automatically find and repair windows by
going through the install wizard until you reach the bit where it finds
your old copy of windows and can reinstall
I've never had this work - it's all very mysterious.
5) IF it won't run or won't reinstall correctly, then and ONLY then,
It's easier to fix windows without reinstalling than it is to fix fedora ;)
What? After the boot loader, there is no magic in fedora. Anything can
be fixed by putting the right file(s) back in the right place and there
are several approaches to doing it. If X breaks you can use the command
line or connect remotely. You can boot to single user mode if something
late in the startup sequence causes problems. You can pick a
previously-working kernel at bootup, or boot in rescue mode from the
install CD.
Many people have rescued their Windows data by booting a Linux
run-from-CD version like Knoppix to get access to their disk and network
because windows alone couldn't do it.
Les Mikesell