Scott van Looy wrote:
Today Michel Compercho did spake thusly:
you know, sometimes I feel like I'm playing with win3.1. Every time I
touch something, the system breaks. I wanted to play with QT so I
installed via yum QT4. NOW KDE WILL NOT START....tells me that it
can't find libqt-mt-so.3. BS. It exists in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib,
/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib (which the files point to) and
also in /usr/lib64/qt4 (the directory yum install qt4 it into...)
this is very I'm back to GNOME....which I guess is
god's way of telling me that I'm a c programmer .... don't play with
check it's an actual file and not a symlink?
Ok, got ticked off and yum removed the qt4 that yum installed, now
things seem to be back to "normal"....
going to try to build and install from source....