On 27/02/07, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That should happen the 2nd time you load something or even better as the 2nd user executing the same program someone else is running on any machine that would have had enough memory for a ramdisk. Anything loaded from disk to ram will normally stay there until the buffer space is needed for something else. Maybe you just need to come up with a way to preload a few programs.
Open Office has a preloading feature, I decided a while ago that I didn't like it but I don't remember why. Maybe I will try using it again. But the point I was trying to make is that the whole OS can easily fit into less RAM than Windows Vista runs it's shell in (540 MB on a clean install). If Fedora can run the OS in 256 RAM, it will absolutely fly. I'd love that, and I'm sure a lot of other people would as well. Dotan Cohen http://lyricslist.com/lyrics/artist_albums/240/haddaway.html http://uldu.com